Books Read

Packing My Library: An Elegy and Ten Digressions

Packing My Library: An Elegy and Ten DigressionsPacking My Library: An Elegy and Ten Digressions by Alberto Manguel
Published: 2018
Narrated by: James Cameron Stewart
Length: 03:54 (160 pages)

I love books on books. I’m always looking for more to read, and I really enjoyed this one. It’s less about specific titles as it is about a life surrounded by books. Alberto Manguel moved from a large home in France to a one-bedroom Manhattan apartment and had to deal with his home library of 35,000 books – deciding which to bring, which to store, and which to discard. The title is a play on Walter Benjamin’s Unpacking My Library (which I have yet to read) and the story of packing his library is interrupted with ten digressions, from the drive to own the books he loves and the importance of public libraries for a society to the impact readers, and the stories they carry with them, have had on our history.

I was unfamiliar with Alberto Manguel before this, but he has many books on reading and libraries and seems to be quite popular, so I’ll be exploring his other writing soon. I loved the stories he decided to tell in this, both his childhood stories as well as the historic moments in reading history. Some of the digressions were more interesting than others, but overall I found it insightful and beautifully written. I remember marking down some quotes somewhere but can’t seem to find them, which is a shame, but I could easily see myself re-listening to this in the near-future. It happens to be quite short, which, if I’m honest, makes a re-read much more likely.

Manguel was born in Argentina and has lived all around the world, spending close to twenty years living in Canada, gaining citizenship here and regularly writing for The Globe and Mail (among other publications around the world). He moved to France in 2000, renovating a medieval church as his home, and has since become the director of the Argentina National Library. This video from a French television programme offers a tour of his old personal library:

The Paris Review posted an excerpt of Packing My Library.

A small book that packs a lot in. An ode to the joy and importance of reading and collecting books.


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