Comics Read


NimonaNimona by Noelle Stevenson
Format: Original Graphic Novel
Publisher: Harper Collins
Published: 2015
Length: 266 pages

I believe this started its life as a webcomic and eventually became Noelle Stevenson’s debut graphic novel. She has since gone on to write Lumberjanes, which is a comic I’ve considered in the past and am much more interested in after reading this.

A young woman shows up in a villain’s hideout and declares herself his new sidekick. This begins as a classic young adult fantasy narrative between an ineffectual (in the big picture) villain, Lord Ballister Blackheart, and the town hero, Sir Ambrosius Goldenloin, who are in a state of a perpetual, and comfortable, stalemate. Nimona enters and changes everything. If you’ve ever read or watched a movie with this scenario and thought if the villain would just stop with the micro-scheming and actually cause some mayhem and kill a few people, they might actually succeed, this is an exploration of that. Together Blackheart and Nimona set out to show the town that Goldenloin and the institution behind him aren’t the heroes they appear to be.

I really enjoyed this. The art is a fun, cartoonish style, and the writing is amusing and surprising throughout, although I do think the humour peaked in the first chapter. The story feels like it’s going to be a light comedy, but it actually shows great character development and continually subverts stereotypes of the genre. This is a book that will appeal to all ages, and I think it could lead to some great discussions between kids and their parents if they read it together. It’s very cute but also has a lot of depth, exploring the grey area between good and evil.

Apparently, this is available on Audible as well. I’ve never listened to a graphic novel audiobook before, but I think they’re similar to the radio novel adaptations you find on BBC Radio 4 sometimes – full cast, sound effects, that sort of thing. Could be fun.


  • Red Metal

    Oh yeah, I actually read this one recently. I’ve been checking out a few graphic novels, and this one caught my attention. I’d say it was good. I like how it appears to be a straightforward black-and-white story before revealing the conflict is far more grey. I also liked its odd combination of fantasy and sci-fi; that’s seldom attempted, and when it is, it’s rarely done well.

    • Rob

      Yeah, I really liked the mix of fantasy and science fiction. The closest you usually get is steampunk, which is fine, but this was a nice change.

  • Geoff W

    This does sound like a great read. The illustration style make me think of Adventure Time and I’m very curious about how they would adapt this for an audio book.

  • Lashaan (Bookidote)

    I’ve heard great things about Nimona and actually have a copy of it on my shelves too. I do love the sound of a light fun graphic novel that also has plenty of depth. Pumped to give this a shot as soon as possible. Thanks for sharing!

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