
February in Review

Books Acquired:

Books Read:
Fool’s Assassin by Robin Hobb
You’re Never Weird on the Internet by Felicia Day
Animal Farm by George Orwell
Three Men in a Boat by Jerome K. Jerome

One post last month, not including the previous wrap-up. Oh, how time flies. I have an excuse for the first two weeks, we were in Hawaii for one of them and had guests at the house for the other, but since then it’s just been laziness. It’s funny how difficult it can be to sit down in front of the keyboard after taking a long break, even knowing it’s enjoyable once you get going.


It was a good reading month at least. It’s been ages since I read a Robin Hobb novel, and it was such a pleasure to return to those characters and her fantastic writing. I spent nearly an entire six hour flight finishing it off. Three Men in a Boat (To Say Nothing of the Dog) was the big surprise of the month. It was hilarious, and felt so modern despite having been written over a century ago.

Movies watched:

TV watched:
House of Cards: Season 3 (2015) – This was all we really watched last month. It’s become an addiction. I was actually looking forward to detoxing a bit now that we’ve caught up, but the next season is being released tomorrow, so we’ll probably jump right back in.

Games played:
Tom Clancy’s The Division – Beta (2016) (PC) – I thought I’d just hop on and give this public beta a try, not really expecting it to be my thing, but I really enjoyed myself. The full game is released this month, so I’ll likely be picking it up. I’m honestly not sure how much I’ll end up playing it, as the repetition of these online games tend to wear on me, but we’ll see.

What have you been reading/watching/playing this month?


  • Geoff W

    SO jealous of Hawaii! How’d you like the Felicia Day book? I know so little about her, but know she’s such a big deal in Nerd Culture. I had a huge freak out session when she was on the only episode of “Supernatural” about books (“The Wizard of Oz”) being real and she wearing a Sonmi 451 t-shirt. I seriously nearly lost my sh!t because of it. It was too much for me at the time.

    • Rob

      She’s great, very bookish as well. She has a fun book club show on YouTube as well, Vaginal Fantasy, where they talk about fantasy romance novels. Even though the books aren’t my thing, it’s a fun watch.

      Her book was great. Very funny, and she spent a lot of time talking about the issues she’s had with depression, which I found really interesting.

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