• Literature

    Book Sale Loot

    You may remember that a month ago I vowed to stop buying books for the rest of the year. Well, it will be no surprise to anyone who knows me and my will power, but I caved. I found myself at a massive used book sale this afternoon, which was like a freshly reformed alcoholic stumbling upon Oktoberfest. I came to an hour later, covered in books and feeling slightly ashamed. I restrained myself somewhat, and I did last over a month, so I’m going to take those as a minor victories. Without Feathers – Woody Allen An Innocent in Scotland: More Curious Rambles and Singular Encounters – David McFadden…

  • Brain Food

    Late Resolutions

    I’ve been thinking about goals lately, mainly because it’s a lot easier than trying to achieve them. I missed out on the whole New Years thing, being sans blog at the time, so I thought I’d make a few late (and admittedly slightly wimpy) resolutions for the remainder of the year. It might be fun to check in every now and then and see what progress I’ve made. So at the end of 2011, I want to: Be 10 lbs lighter – I spent last spring mountain biking and being relatively fit, relative to previous years anyway. Since then, a combination of laziness and health issues (the health issues being…