• Books Read


    14 by Peter Clines Published: 2012 Narrated by: Ray Porter Length: 12:38 (372 pages) I hadn’t really heard anything about this novel before reading it. It kept popping up on my Audible Recommendations, and I was in the mood for some fun science fiction. The reviews were positive and I liked the cover (yes, I judge books by their covers), so I took a chance. I’m glad I did! This was a lot of fun. It’s a difficult plot to describe without giving anything away, but essentially it’s about a man moving into a new apartment, one with unbelievable rent and included utilities, and he begins to notice a lot…

  • Books Read

    The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress

    The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress by Robert A. Heinlein Published: 1966 Narrated by: Lloyd James Length: 14:12 (302 pages) This is one of Heinlein’s most popular novels and the third of his I’ve read. It’s political science fiction that covers the span of a revolution. The year is 2075 and the moon (Luna) is now a penal colony for the criminals of Earth. The inhabitants live in underground cities, and once exiled it’s not just a life sentence for them, but for the generations that follow as well. Once someone’s on Luna for too long, their bodies have too much trouble adapting to earth’s gravity to return for long…

  • Books Read


    Disgrace by J.M. Coetzee Published: 1999 Length: 220 This was assigned reading in a literature course I took in my first year of university. I eventually became quite a good student by the time I graduated, but that year I was still in high school mode and as a result never finished this. I’m slowly redeeming myself for the reading sins of my past. This tells the story of an aging university poetry instructor, David Lurie, who falls into disgrace after having an affair with a student. He ends up leaving his life in Cape Town temporarily to live with his daughter at her small farm in the country. He…

  • Books Read

    Walking on Glass

    Walking on Glass by Iain Banks Published: 1985 Narrated by: Peter Kenny Length: 08:08 (341 pages) This is Iain Banks’ second novel and the second of his I’ve read. He published this under his mainstream name, rather than his science fiction name of Iain M. Banks, which is odd as this is very much in that genre, but maybe he hadn’t adapted that naming scheme yet at this point. This is three seemingly distinct storylines that are linked together at the end of the story. One follows Graham Park, a man in his early twenties who is newly in love. Another follows Steven Grout, a hyper-paranoid man newly fired from…

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    July in Review

    Books Acquired: Le Morte d’Arthur by Thomas Malory Sex Criminals, Vol. 2 by Matt Fraction Books Read: 14 by Peter Clines The War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells Sex Criminals, Vol. 2 by Matt Fraction The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood I’m not sure where this month went. I feel like I jumped forward in time a few weeks somewhere. For a good chunk of the time we were dealing with exciting dog issues. Paisley had a hot spot on her tail, so we had to have her in a cone until it healed. Unfortunately, since the injury was on her tail, she could still reach it with a…